Freelance Print Designer

Holiday magazine

Specials magazine

Light magazine

Country Cottages magazine

Southwark Council

X2 hotel magazine

Tesco Magazine / Tesco Real Food Magazine

I designed a range of Advertorials for both Tesco magazine and Tesco Real Food magazine for their summer issues 2011.

IAG Booklet

Working with Kris Short on a booklet for IAG part of the BA nad Iberia alliance.

The booklets main focus was to educate both BA and Iberia staff of the changes that the alliance would have on either company.

BA First Life Magazine March/April 2011


I found this glorious old Hetchins road bike at a local rubbish tip and paid just £7.50 for it!!

My first post!!

Well I'm not really one to put things down into words especially not when they are going on the web!

This is going to be a way to showcase my work to people to expand my list of clients and contacts for work so please bare with me as I'm just figuring out how this all works!!
Bye for now